There are some places closer to train stations than this place, which is great for those of you who like to hit the rails and explore. Spaciousness and a bus onto base is one of the perks to living on a hill. Double click on the maps to see how far it is to a train station. It is close to a store.
Which of the 3 housing sections is "Sekura"? Thanks!
I am unsure which one is considered Sakura, because 2 of the buildings, the yellow one, and the tan high rise have both been called that. The townhouses nearby are also run by the same company, but they don't usually rent them to TDY folks. They are selling 3 BR, condos in the tan high rise, I've seen the brochure. So, you're likely to live near the Japanese. Quite a few PCS folks live in the yellow building and in the townhouses. The yellow building has the 'community party room' in it. It's wonderful for parties, and they have a BBQ right outside for you to use, as well. The flat screen TV is nice, but we haven't been able to control the volume on the grand player piano. :)
We lived at the Sakura Residence. There are three towers that are all considered the Sakura Residence. If you have specific questions about what is available there for TDY people feel free to contact us via email. We have 2 small children and I was very interested when we were coming to find out what was there and never really did find out till arriving. Our email is
Is there anyway to track down the address of the individual RPP residential buildings? I lived in the one near the Yokosuka, JP post office. Is there anyway to look up the address? Perhaps I need to contact the housing office?
Does anyone have a copy of the Sukurah residence bus schedule?
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